Birthday Book Club

Austin Elementary
Birthday Book Club
Looking for a special gift for your child on his or her birthday?
Celebrate your child’s birthday by donating a book to Austin Elementary Library!
A book is a gift that keeps on giving for years to come.
By donating a book, your child will:
- Choose a book to be donated to the Library collection
- Have his or her name placed inside the book
- Be the first person to check out the book
- Have his or her picture taken with their Birthday Book and posted to Austin Elementary Library’s social media sites (pending parent approval)
How to donate:
- Visit, click “Find a List or Registry,” search “Austin Elementary Library,” and purchase your birthday book directly from the Library’s Wish List. Please note, the book will be mailed to Austin Elementary.
- Next, at least TWO WEEKS before your child’s birthday, complete the Birthday Book Club Form (on back) and send it to Mrs. Lemons OR fill out the online Birthday Book Club Form (link can be found on Library’s website).
For summer birthdays, we are happy to offer half-birthday books! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Lemons at [email protected] or (817)594-2848 x.4301. Thank you for your support and